
Go Team Rownhams!

We are now in our third lockdown and once again, very sadly, we have had to close our school to the vast majority of children. Thank you so much to all of our parents and carers for your understanding and support at this time - and well done on the home learning.

Through this blog we hope to share some of the fantastic efforts of our children who are in school and those of you, at home, engaged in our remote learning provision, during the period of this lockdown.

The feedback we have had from parents and carers has been overwhelmingly positive and the improvements we have made on the first lockdown have been a great help to busy mums, dads and carers. We are continuing to make changes and improve our provision as we are learning everyday. Please remember this is very different to how we normally teach and there are bound to be some teething problems as we navigate our way in this new world! That said, I am incredibly proud of our entire team who have turned our school into an effective virtual one in just over a week. Every single team member is making a real difference.

Many of our parents and carers are key workers and we would like to thank you for all you are doing to keep our community safe and well during this immensely challenging time. It goes without saying that a particular thank you must go to all of those who are working in the NHS, who are putting themselves on the front line. Thank you and we are thinking of you all of the time.

Go Team Rownhams!

There has already been some really great learning at home and in school. This week we can share some of the great learning from Year R.

Pirates Ahoy!

Well, this week in Year R we started to join in with our teacher’s live lessons. We have been reading simple words, writing sentences and learning our red words. In Maths, we have been learning about numbers to 10 and adding. Year R have been making pirate ships, parrots and learning pirate dances at home. In school, our classroom is looking like a pirate island and we have been exploring our local area on Google Maps as well as learning all about a famous pirate over a hot chocolate. Our teachers are very proud of us as we continue to learn together both online and in school. Well done Year R!

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