
First week? Done.

Our Year R children have completed their first week of school and they are still smiling - even if they are a little tired! You can read all about the fun they have had in this week’s blog as well Pop Art Portraits in Year 1/2, electric lessons in Y3/4 and light exploration in Year 5/6.

Year R - Fruit Faces

Year R have been joining in with the whole school art theme of Portraits. We were inspired by the work of artist Guispeppe Arcimboldo and had a go at making our own in the same style. Can you spot all our facial features?

The children have enjoyed their first week in school and we are all so impressed with how well they have settled in. Some highlights of the week include digging in the sandpit, making afternoon tea in the role play, learning new songs and rhymes in singing time and exploring numicon in the maths area.

Year 1/2 - Pop Art Portraits

For our school’s Portrait’s week, Year 1&2  looked carefully at their faces and drew their features. Next, we learnt about the artist, Andy Warhol and how he started a movement called ‘Pop Art’. We have used oil pastels for our portraits and they are in the ‘Pop Art’ style. He repeated images of famous people and changed the colours.  They were great fun to do!

Year 3/4 - Investigating Electricity

This week, the children in Year 3/4 have started learning all about electricity and circuits. They learned about open and closed circuits and how, for electricity to pass through a circuit, it must be complete. They investigated making different circuits to try and make a bulb light up and found that wires must be connected to both the positive and negative sides of the battery and to the bulb. Some children even then went home and investigated some more! Amazing learning!

Year 5/6 - Exploring Light

In science, the children have begun to explore the topic of light. They investigated how a solar eclipse would change if the moon was a different size. The children were learning to hypothesise based on the scientific knowledge they had learnt.


In reading, the children have been looking at a beautiful text by William Grill called The Wolves of Currumpaw. They have been practising a range of reading skills such as inference, retrieval, prediction and exploration of new vocabulary.

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