
Gardening Project

Mrs Karen Terzer, one of our brilliant parents and diligent member of RSA, has been driving forward a project to improve our school grounds and to get our children growing. You can read Karen’s latest update here.

You may have seen some of the changes taking place in the grounds of our school over the last year. We have planted a small orchard, built 8 large vegetable beds, an outdoor classroom, created a nature path in our mini woodland, planted up the school and pre-school flower beds and the Spiritual Garden. We renovated the fire pit, built a log store and compost bins, installed a shed, potting table and cold frame. Our Gardening Club was very involved too.  

We also have enough gardening tools for a class of 30, pots, compost and seeds for next year.

But we would never have been able to do it without the help of the PTA, teachers, parents and children who came to our volunteer days, The Nursling Men’s Shed (who donated and built our cold frame, potting table, signs and a shed) and the local community who kindly donated all sorts of things that we needed.

We also had very generous donations from B&Q, Paddock Plants, Lordshill Sainsbury’s, the Parish Council and Owen from Tree Masters.

This is a 3 year project so you will see more changes soon. Just yesterday we had 400 saplings delivered from the Woodland Trust which will be used to create a circular edible hedge. We have around 80 plants and over 300 bulbs to plant in the next few weeks and the new raised beds and pots in our Year R play area look lovely.

Our plan is to fill all our flower beds with colour, grow different vegetables and herbs each year, make the most of our outdoor space and encourage children to be outside learning about nature, planting and growing as much as possible.

So a BIG thankyou to you all and we would love to see you at our occasional family volunteer days, that will be coming up over the next few weeks.

Thank you, Karen, for your hard work and dedication in making a school a better place for our children. 

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