
The whole school enjoyed making Christingles and learning more about what the different parts represent. On Wednesday, we were invited by Reverend Graeme to attend St John's Church for a Christingle Service as part of our advent celebrations. In this week’s blog, you can read all about our Nativity preparations, which we have now performed twice with one to go on Monday, plus building of all sorts in Year 3/4 and net exploration in Year 5/6.

Check out our Christingle photos here…

Year R - Nativity Preparations

Year R have been busy preparing for their Nativity Performance. As well as learning the songs and actions we have also made our own headbands to wear as part of our costumes. We were so excited when some children from Year 5/6 came to help us make them. Year 5/6, you demonstrated our school values of love, joy and responsibility brilliantly when you worked with the children, thank you.

Year 3/4 - Building Animals and Building Sentences

This week, Year 3/4 have been busy completing their moving animals as part of their mechanisms design technology project about levers and linkages. Having explored some guided designs recently, the children now had a lot of creative freedom to design and make their own products. This was a challenge! They had to plan and work out what they wanted to create and how to make it move, using the knowledge of designs they had used before. They had to draw and measure all the components from scratch and fit them together. The atmosphere was very productive as they set about their tasks. Here are some of the animals created.


We thought you might also like to see how hard the children have been working on their writing this term. The Dark by Lemony Snicket and now The Barnabas Project by The Fan Brothers are two texts that have inspired us all! Building the best sentences possible is a skill and we have used the books to help us learn how to use a variety of techniques to do this.

Year 5/6 - Exploring Nets

Year 5 have been working steadily through our fraction unit. This week we’ve been looking at mixed number fractions and improper fractions and learning to convert between them. We have also been adding and subtracting mixed numbers both pictorially (e.g. using fraction bars, ‘pies’ and numberlines) and in written form. Here are some pictures of our work and playing 4-in-a-row. 

Year 6 have been exploring nets and have been following instructions to draw 2D shapes and finding different ways of making successful nets of the same shape. The children then developed their problem solving and reasoning skills to answer questions about  them.

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