It’s a stitch up

Year R - Self-Portraits

In our Art lessons this half term, we have been learning to create self-portraits. First we looked carefully at the parts of our face in the mirror and practised drawing our faces with pencil. Then we painted our face, thinking carefully about the colour of our skin, and added the details using oil pastels. Next we will create sculptures of our faces using clay.

Year 1/2 - Flashlight

This week the children have started a new book in English called Flashlight! On Wednesday the children went on a very exciting adventure! Using their torches they walked through the woodlands to see if they could spot any nocturnal animals to write about. They also thought of adjectives they could use to describe these animals. Take a look at what the children found…

Year 3/4 - Skillful Stitching

This week, year 3/4 completed the final stage of their sewing DT project.  Each child had the challenge to make a pencil case that could hold up to 5 pencils.  The first stage involved sewing to different sized rectangles together using blanket stitch.  The next task involved cutting out a design and then use running stitch to attach it to the cover.  


The year 3/4 team would like to thank the parent helpers who came to help – it made such a difference to the outcome!  Here are some pictures of the afternoon.

Year 5/6 - Creating tetrahedral kites

After consolidating our multiplication in maths, writing how to care for our deadly animals and revisiting Ancient Egypt, we returned to the daunting task of creating a tetrahedral kite…

After feeling initially daunted by the tasks, with some additional guidance on joining techniques, we were able to create some very successful group examples that passed our flight tests well – and stayed in one piece! Well done 5/6.

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