
It’s cold out there

To start this term, our Year 5/6 children have been learning all about the ‘tundra biome’ as part of their geography lessons. They learnt about its human and physical geography as well as the negative impact humans are having on that environment. The children produced stunning posters to show their learning. You can read about all of our learning from this week right here.

Year R - The Gruffalo's Child

Year R have been learning about the story of ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ by Julia Donaldson. In our Art lesson, we focussed on developing our drawing skills again by creating our own sketches of the Gruffalo in the style of the illustrator, Alex Scheffler. Haven’t they done a brilliant job! We are so impressed with the amount of detail the children included.

Year 1/2 - Using their number bonds

Year ½ have enjoyed practising their number bonds this week. They have worked very hard to explain to our puppet how she can use them to solve more complicated calculations in an efficient way by spotting the number bonds. The children have loved playing lots of different games to help them remember and they are looking forward to challenging their family at home.

Year 3/4 - It Starts with a Seed

‘It Starts With a Seed’ by Laura Knowles is the book that has inspired our writing in Year 3/4 this week. We have been learning about and identifying rhyming schemes and rhyming couplets in poetry. We have discovered that we ourselves can write beautiful rhyming poetry, carefully selecting words and phrases to wow the reader and to create memorable rhythms with our words. Here we are with some of our poems written about features of nature. One of the verses in Laura’s poem says ‘How can something so small grow into a tree, which is such an incredibly big thing to be?’ Look, we are also growing – in height and in knowledge!

Year 5/6 - The Tundra Biome

In Year 5 and 6, the children explored more biomes in their geography lessons. They looked at the tundra biome and learnt about its human and physical geography as well as the negative impact humans are having on that environment. The children produced stunning posters to show their learning. 

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