
Love, laughter and learning

The children have once again filled the school with the sounds of love, laughter and learning. It has been wonderful to have them all back in school again.

What we'll build (Year 3/4)

It is an absolute joy to have all of our children back in school together again and they have settled back into their classes wonderfully. We have been learning about the book ‘What we’ll build’ by Oliver Jeffers, which is about a father and daughter planning their future. It put our inference skills to the test as we made lots of predictions and talked about what the characters might be thinking and feeling at different points in the text. We did some building of our own and considered what we would like to build in our own futures.

Lost and Found (Year 1/2)

Year 1/2 have also been reading a book by Oliver Jeffers, called ‘Lost and Found’. They have been reenacting the scenes from the story and writing their own versions.

Wriggly Tadpoles and favourite books (Year R)

After more than two months away from school for most children, the first day back was very exciting.  The children had been counting how many sleeps it was until the big day.  Some children even had special back to school, chocolate chip ice cream the day before to celebrate. All the children came into school with smiles on their faces looking forward to having fun with their friends.

They were thrilled to see all the changes in the YR outdoor area. The space hoppers were a great favourite. Some children enjoyed making music using wooden instruments and talked about how they could make sounds and how the sounds were different.  They could say which instruments they liked the sound of the best and made lots of music.  

YR are basing their learning on favourite books for the rest of the term.  As part of their home learning for book week last week they brought in many of their home learning projects to share with their classes.  Models have been built, posters have been made and artwork displayed.  Many of them are based on ‘The Gruffalo’ bu Julia Donaldson.

In maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes.  We could see that shapes were the same but were different in size.  We could name some of the shapes that made the faces.  We could count the faces and sides.

Spring came to YR at the beginning of the week.  We enjoyed the warm sunshine and the outdoor environment and then we had some visitors in the shape of black wriggly tadpoles.  We are making careful observations and look forward to seeing how they grow.  

We have also measured ourselves to see how much we have grown now that we are halfway through our first year in school.

It has been really good to see how well the children have progressed with their learning at home.  The YR team would like to say a big thank you to parents and carers for helping us and guiding us and supporting us with the learning we have done over lockdown. 

Day Dreamers (Year 5/6)

Year 5/6 have been happy to be back in school and we have loved seeing our classrooms back to being busy with laughter and learning! Lockdown hasn’t dampened our dreams and goals, as we have been looking at how we can turn negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones and sharing our thoughts on the future. Such a range of dreams and goals throughout the children: builders, train drivers, mums/dads, vets, firefighters, footballers – to name a few! We know they are capable of achieving whatever they put their mind to and seeing the hopes and dreams of the children has been a boost of positivity in our classrooms.

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