
A Healthy Competition

This week's blog in four words: Numbers, Titanic, Easter, and Salad! Last week, Team 5/6 were busy creating and promoting their own 'British Salads' as part of their D&T focus on Food and Nutrition. Their work was celebrated yesterday, when we invited parents and carers to drop-in and have a look at their D&T work, as well as sampling the winning salad recipes! You can find lots of photos of their creations in this week's blog, as well as on our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram). Elsewhere in KS2, Team 3/4 were very lucky to have the youth team from Christ Church in Winchester visit and deliver a fantastic workshop all about the Christian Holy Week, which included songs, drama, and comic strips! In KS1, Team 1/2 have been learning lots of facts about the Titanic, whilst Year R have been exploring their understanding of numbers. Read on to learn more about what the children have been up to this week...

Year R: Numbers, numbers everywhere!

As the weather has been warmer and sunnier, we have enjoyed learning how to play hopscotch in our outside area as well as using the tyres to practice our part, part-whole stem sentences. We love chalking our numbers on the ground and using the clocks in the vets to tell the time and book appointments. 

During our inside learning, we have used the Numicon to show part, part whole models and we are brilliant now at saying our stem sentences. We have been using playdough to show different ways of making the totals 6, 7 and 8. We are loving our maths learning at the moment!

Team 1 / 2: Tales of the Titanic

In History this term Team 1 / 2 have been learning all about the disaster of the Titanic and what it would have been like on board ‘The Floating Palace.’ The children will be able to wow you with all of the facts they know – for example, did you know…?

  • There were only enough lifeboats for a third of the people on board.
  • On her launch the Titanic was the largest movable man made object.
  • More than 1500 passengers lost their lives.
  • 7000 lettuces and 40,000 eggs were taken on board.

After the sinking of the Titanic ships had to carry enough lifeboats and life jackets for all passengers. To help the children learn what it was like to be on the Titanic, and realise why so many people died, the children acted it out on an obstacle course. Unfortunately, some of the lifeboats sailed away without being filled, only women and children were able to go in the lifeboats, and First Class passengers were give a priority.

Team 3 / 4: Holy Week workshop

This week, Team 3 / 4 were visited by the youth team from the Christ Church in Winchester.  They led a whole day workshop that focused on three important days that are part of Christian Holy Week.  

The day started with all three classes in the hall.  After singing an action-packed song, the children listened intently to the story of Holy Week.  After this, the children split into small groups to role-play the important events in the story.  They made freeze frames of the important moments, such as Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey, the last supper, and Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.

After break, the classes read through a fun comic strip version of Holy Week before writing a diary of the events point of view of one of Jesus’ friends.  The final task was to design a poster of either Palm Sunday, Good Friday or Easter Sunday.  The poster needed to include: the bible verse that is part of the day, a symbol that represents the day, why it is important to Christians, and how they may celebrate the day. 

The whole day was wrapped up with a reflection in the hall altogether.  It was a lovely day with lots of thoughtful discussion about this important Christian time.  Thanks to the youth learning group from The Christ Church in Winchester.

Team 5 / 6: Brilliant British Salads

In Design and Technology, Team 5 / 6 have been designing and making their own ‘British Salads’. First they explored existing products, and then in groups they developed their own brands and chose their ingredients. The groups then made their own salads and taste-tested them. Finally, they had to present their finished product as a group, explaining its unique selling point.

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