
Harvest Festival

This week, we celebrated Harvest in a special service at St John’s led by Rev Graeme and Ewan. Thank you everyone for the harvest contributions for Southampton City Food Bank.

Harvest Festival

Here’s a few photos from our special Harvest Service. Thank you Rev Graeme and Ewan for holding the service for us.

Year R - The Three Billy Goats Gruff

This week we have been using The Three Billy Goats Gruff as a stimulus for our learning.  We have been making and testing bridges using a variety of materials, sequencing parts of the story, getting creative with playdough and learning lots of new vocabulary.  In maths, we have been consolidating our learning of comparing weights, heights and lengths and moving on to exploring patterns.  We enjoyed our adventure to the church on Tuesday to celebrate harvest.  In Phonics, we have been working hard to learn as many set 1 sounds as possible.

Year 1/2 - Claude Monet Art

This week Yr ½ looked at an artist called Claude Monet, he was the founder of the impressionist movement and the children were learning how to create their own impressionist paintings. Impressionism is all about capturing a moment in time so it may look a bit messy, quick or unfinished! However, that is exactly how it should look so the children went outside and created their art pieces on the field capturing the sky, trees and field in the moment. We had great fun and the art looked wonderful!

Year 3/4 - Where is the UK?

Last week, Year 3/4 worked hard to learn the location of the United Kingdom using atlases and globes.  They were finding the northern & southern hemispheres, the lines of the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn as well as beginning to identify the lines of latitude and longitude.  Children enjoyed investigating the atlases and labeling their maps; they also wrote golden sentences that explained where the United Kingdom is in words.

Year 5/6 - Baking Bread

In Years 5 and 6, the children designed and made their own bread-based product. They explored different flavours and ingredients that could be used in bread as well as different shapes and washes to create different effects and textures. The children had a fantastic time preparing and making their bread..  and especially eating it!

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