
Watch them grow

This week, Year 1/2 have been learning how to take care of their newly hatched chicks and watching them change and grow. The children enjoyed introducing the chicks to their parents and carers and were proud to share their scientific knowledge. Elsewhere in school, Year R have been learning to look after themselves, Year 3/4 have been becoming fraction masters and Year 5/6 have been finding out how water can change states in different atmospheric conditions. 

Year R - Looking after ourselves

This week in Year R, we have been learning about looking after ourselves. Some highlights include learning about the importance of exercise in PE, finding out about why it is important to clean our teeth and how to care for babies. We are also extremely grateful to our wonderfully supportive parents and carers who kindly donated interesting fruits and vegetables for us to investigate – we loved extending our vocabulary when we named and described them.

Year 1/2 - Observing our chicks

Year One and Two have had an eggcellent two weeks watching our eggs hatch and then taking care of our chicks. We have loved watching them hatch, grow feathers and start to flap about. Today we are saying a very sad good bye to them but we know that they will have a wonderful time at the farm. The children have enjoyed writing their chick diaries to remember what they got up to and being scientists and making observations about how they have changed and which foods they prefer to eat.

Year 3/4 - Fractions masters

The children in Year 3/4 this week have been looking at fractions. They have been thinking about equal parts, using pictures of food to help their understanding. It’s safe to say that the children definitely want their half of a cookie.

Year 5/6 - The Water Cycle

This week in 5/6 we have been learning about how water can change states due to atmospheric conditions. The children made their own water cycle mini environments (you may have seen them hanging in our windows) which we have been keeping a close eye on, to see the condensation settles and comes back to rest in our bodies of water. We talked about how heating and cooling affects the different parts of the cycle and how it never stops. 

We also started to learn about Ancient Greek Architecture and the effects it has had on modern day design and architecture. We looked at three types of pillar – please feel free to challenge your children on the three types and their similarities and differences. They have become mini experts! Finally, In our writing, we have finished off our Wolf Brother topic with a travel brochure to persuade and inform people to visit the Deep Forest using some of the new writing features we learnt, such as using a colon to introduce a list and exciting imperative verbs.

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