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Information about our school uniform

Our Uniform Policy is intended to ensure that there are consistent and clear guidelines for school uniform, leading to a positive, shared identity and high expectations for presentation and appearance. Wearing a uniform also ensures that children are safely and appropriately dressed whilst at school.

Purchasing school uniform

Items of clothing with the school logo are available for order from the local provider Skoolkit and items without the logo can be bought from local supermarkets.  Skoolkit was chosen for its quality products, competitive prices and service to parents. ASDA’s George range has also been identified as a good place to find school uniform items at a slightly cheaper price point without the school logo. 

Please note that if you are eligible for Pupil Premium, you are entitled to £25 worth of school uniform per academic year which the school can purchase for you.

"Positive, shared identity and high expectations for presentation and appearance."

Everyday uniform

  • Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt, culottes or a pinafore dress
  • A green and white stripe/check dress when the weather is warm
  • A white shirt or blouse or white/bottle-green polo shirt
  • A bottle-green sweatshirt or cardigan preferably displaying the school logo but not essential.
  • Grey or white socks
  • Grey, white, green or black tights
  • Black, comfortable, low-heeled shoes (closed-toe sandals can be worn in the summer)

PE Uniform

  • Sensible trainers with good grip for outdoor PE in various weather conditions. 
  • A teal colour T-shirt preferably with the school logo 
  • Plain black shorts, skort or leggings
  • A warm, hoodie or tracksuit top in bottle-green, navy or black, with similar colour trousers or leggings for outdoor PE during cold weather (brand/design names other than the school logo are discouraged)
  • Additional items may be required for after school clubs and football tournaments, such as, football boots and shin guards 
  • For health and safety reasons, jewellery must not be worn for PE; studs worn in ears should be taped by the child or removed in advance. Discreet watches may be worn but must be removed for PE.
  • Children should have their PE kit in school during the week so that they have a change of clothes when needed.

General guidance on appearance

  • Long hair should be tied back with small green, navy, black or white hair bands/ grips (no large bows, oversize hairbands or hair beads)  
  • In general, jewellery should not be worn to school.  Children with pierced ears may wear single plain stud earrings. Discreet watches may also be worn. Watches should be removed for PE.
  • Make-up or nail varnish must not be worn at any time.
  • Trainers should not be worn in school except for outdoor games.  Children should be able to run around comfortably and safely at break-time in their shoes. Boots of any description should not be worn during the school day.
  • Lunch boxes and school bags (preferably rucksacks) brought into school should be kept to a minimum size due to space restrictions in cloakroom areas. Branded designs are discouraged. School book bags are available from Skoolkit.  

Children are encouraged to take responsibility for all personal items of clothing – valuables are brought into school at own risk.  Lost property is held centrally and is displayed regularly for parents to claim.  All items of clothing must be named.

Parental cooperation and support for the wearing of appropriate school uniform is essential.  Should there be any concerns about adherence to the school uniform policy, the school will contact parents to discuss these further.

The school will inform parents about occasions when school uniform does not need to be worn.  (eg non-uniform days, dressing up/theme days) and as to what should be worn on school visits.

Further information

Download our School Uniform Policy and follow the link to the Skoolkit website


School Uniform Policy



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