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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our vision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is the same as for all of children – that they achieve well and go onto lead happy and fulfilled lives. As set out in the SEND Code of Practice, we too believe that ‘Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less.’ 

Some children will still experience a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age and will have barriers that prevent them from doing so. Therefore, we strive to create the provision so that we can overcome the barriers and help children to succeed.

If you would like more information then you the linked documents below may be of interest or you could arrange a meeting and I would be happy to discuss this with you. We have also provided links to Hampshire’s Local Offer and the impartial information and advisory service SENDIASS.

We can both be contacted through the school office.

Jo Marchant and Charlotte Pascal (SENDCOs)