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prefects 1

Reach Out

This week was Anti-Bullying week and the theme was 'Reach Out' - a theme with the aim of empowering teachers, and children to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes. Our Prefects worked exceptionally hard to put together short presentations to raise awareness and discuss the different forms of bullying (physical, verbal and mental), including what to do if someone thinks that they are being bullied. Well done, Prefects!

You can read all about the Reach Out campaign here and parents and carers can find some helpful advice and guidance on the topic of bullying here.

Also this week, Year R’s key text involved a rumour about a tiny pink fish which got bigger and bigger as it spread around the ocean, Year 1/2 have been practising their spellings in glitter, Year 3/4 have created animal collages and Year 5/6 have been learning about forces and levers to help them answer some ancient mysteries.

Year R - Boo! A Fishy Mystery

This week, Year R have been reading the story ‘Boo! A fishy mystery!’ We made lots of predictions about what we thought would happen in the story based on the front cover and blurb and then excitedly read the book to discover that a tiny pink fish shouting ‘boo’ is what terrifies a whale and frees the fish that are stuck inside its mouth. We have also been exploring colour mixing and creating our own under the sea art work inspired by the ‘Rainbow Fish.’

Year 1/2 - Fun filled week

Year 1/2 have been having lots of fun with their learning this week. Some highlights include: practising spelling common exception words in glitter, painting with watercolours and making our own numberlines.

Year 3/4 - Animal Collages

Year 3/4 have been studying various artists across the term and, over the past few lessons, have been looking at the importance of animals as a source of inspiration for art. We looked at the French artist Rosa Bonheur and the way that she sketched animals carefully before painting them. The children then had a go at sketching in Bonheur’s style. This week, we have studied the artist Megan Coyle, a collage artist. We looked at some examples of her work and have started to create our own animal collages. Take a look at our work in progress – can you see which animals we are creating?

Year 5/6 - Fun with forces

In science, we have been learning about forces. We wondered how people of ancient times, without the aid of heavy machinery and cranes, could possibly lift enormous stones to make the Great Pyramids or Stonehenge. We looked at levers and found that if you move the fulcrum, you can balance or lift a heavy load with a much lighter load.

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